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A little about our history

The beginning, the friendship ...

 Peter Thostrup was born in Aarhus/Denmark. A teenager he started working with his father in the timber industry at DLH Nordisk A/S. At the age of 23, already with some experience in the area, he decided to try a new moment of professional and personal skills and chose to go to Brazil to work in the national timber market and in the foreign trade.


     Peter went to Belém/Pará in 1985 to work with the devolopment of procurement and sellin tropical timber. He worked for almost 18 years in some of the main companies in the sector, at that time, such as Anco Træ, Buddinge Trælast and DLH Nordisk A/S, . He worked mainly in Brazil and South Africa.


    In 1994 I came to Brazil and there we had the opportunity to work together at DLH Nordisk A/S, until 1999.

     In 2003 Peter opened his own trading in Brazil, NOREX Exportação & Importação, where I also worked from 2006 to 2009.


   From the experience of work and friendship came the great incentive in 2007 to found the company Timber REX. Since then, the commercial partnership started to be developed.


   Peter worked at NOREX until 2016, but  for health reasons he retired. Sadly, in July 2017 he died at the age of only 55, in Denmark. His wife Rivane Thostrup assumed the leadership of the company in Brazil and continue his work and legacy.




Jacob Bøje Larsen


Roskilde, DK | Jul 2020.

Our timeline...


Timber REX initiates operations in Denmark and Brazil


Opening of the Timber REX branch in UK


New administration at NOREX Ltda in Brazil


Opening of the purchasing office in Guyana and Surinam


Opening of the Purchasing office in Peru

Our team

Timber REX - Denmark

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Jacob Bøje Larsen


(general commercial administration)


Betina Thind

Administration - Due Diligence

(executive secretary)


Gilberto Schmitt

Business consultant

(foreign trade)



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Márcia Krag

Due Diligence + Compliance

(environmental compliance analyst)


Vision and Values

To remain a reference in transparency, management skills and ethics, being recognized as the best option by customers, suppliers and for the quality of our products and services, relationship and socioenvironmental responsibility.

NOREX - Exclusive Partner in Brazil

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Rivane Thostrup


(general commercial administration)


Patrícia Nágem

Administration - Due Diligence

(exportation manager)


Edimar Neves

Technical Inspector

(wood classifier)



Paulo Ramos

Technical Inspector

(wood classifier)



Giovanna Nágem


(foreign trade)


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Patrick Fernandes

Export Assistant

(foreign trade)


Our motto

Standing  forest: a  good  deal   for  everyone.


Manage, Transform and Conserve.

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© 2022 Timber REX ApS. All rights reserved.

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(+55) 91 3242-5374
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